SSI – Potential Benefit Payment Amounts in August 2024

By Joe Bidden

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Joe Biden

The Social Security Administration has announced an exciting update for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients. In August 2024, beneficiaries will receive payments on both the 1st and the 30th of the month. The early payment on August 30 will cover September’s benefits. The amount you receive depends on whether you’re an individual, part of a married couple, or an essential person. Let’s break down the details.

Payment Amounts

The maximum SSI payment varies based on your household status:

  • Individuals: Can receive up to $943.
  • Married couples: Eligible for a combined amount of up to $1,415.
  • Essential persons: Those who live with someone receiving SSI and provide necessary care, can receive up to $472.

However, these maximum amounts are not always what recipients receive, as the actual payments can vary based on factors like other income and resources.

Average Payments

For August 2024, average payments differ significantly by age group. On average, all SSI recipients receive $697. However, there’s a stark difference when we look at the payments by age:

  • Recipients 65 and older: Average around $574. This lower amount often results from retirees having other income sources, which can reduce the SSI benefit.
  • Recipients under 18: Average payments are higher, at approximately $815.96. This group typically includes children with disabilities.
  • Recipients aged 18-64: They receive an average of $743. This group includes many who qualify due to disabilities or low income.

Why the Difference?

The variation in payments is primarily due to the way SSI calculates benefits. SSI aims to assist those with little to no income, ensuring they have a basic level of financial support. Other income, including Social Security retirement benefits, can reduce the amount one receives from SSI.

For instance, someone receiving Social Security benefits along with SSI will likely not receive the full $943. The Social Security Administration adjusts the SSI amount to ensure the total income meets the federal income limits.


Special August Payments

A notable point for August 2024 is the dual payments. SSI recipients will receive a payment on August 1 and another on August 30. The latter is an advance for September, ensuring timely support for those who need it.

The August 30 payment reflects the SSA’s policy of issuing payments on the last weekday of the month when the first of the next month falls on a weekend or holiday. This scheduling quirk ensures recipients have access to their funds without delay.


SSI recipients should ensure their eligibility remains consistent to receive these payments, as changes in income or living situations can affect their benefits.

In summary, while the maximum SSI payments are set amounts, actual received amounts can vary based on individual circumstances. The average payments show a range of support levels, with younger recipients typically receiving higher amounts than older individuals. Remember to check for any changes in your financial situation that could impact your SSI benefits.



When will SSI recipients receive payments in August 2024?

They will receive payments on August 1 and August 30.

What is the maximum SSI payment for an individual?

Up to $943 per month.


How much do recipients aged 65 or older receive on average?

They receive an average of $574.

What is the average SSI payment for those under 18?

They receive an average of $815.96.


Why do SSI payments vary among recipients?

Payments vary due to factors like other income and resources.


Joe Bidden

A Certified Public Accountant specializing in personal finance and taxation. Joe's engaging writing style and deep understanding of tax codes make her articles a must-read for individuals seeking to maximize their tax savings.

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