DWP Benefit Payment Changes 2024 – Updates to Universal Credit, PIP, and ESA Confirmed

By Joe Bidden

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Keir Starmer

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) delivers various financial support programs in the UK, acting as a safety net for those facing hardship. In 2024, the DWP has introduced significant changes to benefit payments, addressing the rising cost of living and ensuring continued support for vulnerable individuals and families. Let’s cut into the details of these changes and know their impact.

Universal Credit

The most notable change in 2024 is the 6.7% increase in Universal Credit (UC) standard allowances, effective from April. This uplift applies to both daily and monthly elements, providing financial relief to many. However, if your assessment period began before April 8th, 2024, you will receive the old rate for that period, with the increased amount reflected after the first assessment period starting on or after April 8th.


Moreover, a one-off Cost of Living Payment was distributed early in 2024. Depending on circumstances, eligible low-income households received £326 or £650 to help with rising fuel and energy costs.

Universal Credit Changes 2024Before April 8th, 2024After April 8th, 2024
Standard Allowance IncreaseOld Rate6.7% Increase
Cost of Living Payment£326 or £650

Personal Independence Payment

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) rates also increased by 6.7% from April 2024. This change affects both the daily living and mobility components, supporting individuals with disabilities or long-term health conditions. The new weekly rates now range from £60.00 to £89.15 for the daily living component and from £23.60 to £62.40 for the mobility component.

PIP Rates 2024Old RateNew Rate
Daily Living Component£56.75 to £83.10£60.00 to £89.15
Mobility Component£23.20 to £61.20£23.60 to £62.40

ESA Changes

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) payments also saw a 6.7% increase from April 2024. This applies to both income-related and contribution-based ESA, providing financial assistance to individuals unable to work due to illness or disability but actively seeking employment.

This change is crucial for those with health conditions or disabilities who are not currently working but are searching for suitable employment. The increase in ESA helps maintain their financial well-being during this period.

ESA Rates 2024Old RateNew Rate
Income-related and Contribution-based ESAOld Rate6.7% Increase

Additional Support

In addition to these benefit increases, the government has expanded free childcare entitlements. Starting September 2024, all children aged nine months and older will be eligible for 15 hours of free childcare per week. This initiative supports parents, especially those returning to work or seeking employment.

Key Takeaways

The 2024 DWP Benefit Payment Changes offer much-needed financial support to millions in the UK. The increased rates for Universal Credit, PIP, and ESA help mitigate the impact of rising living costs. Additionally, the expansion of free childcare is a significant step toward supporting working families.


These changes ensure a consistent source of income to address necessary expenses, thereby reducing poverty and financial struggles. They also allow individuals to maintain a respectable quality of life and encourage greater participation in society. The 6.7% increase in DWP benefits provides essential financial relief for beneficiaries, helping them cope with rising costs and potentially transitioning into employment for financial independence.


What is the Universal Credit increase for 2024?

A 6.7% increase in standard allowances.


When will the new rates apply?

From the first assessment period starting on or after April 8th, 2024.

How much is the Cost of Living Payment?

It is either £326 or £650, depending on circumstances.


What are the new PIP rates?

£60.00 to £89.15 for daily living, £23.60 to £62.40 for mobility.

Who benefits from the ESA increase?

Individuals unable to work due to illness or disability but actively seeking employment.


Joe Bidden

A Certified Public Accountant specializing in personal finance and taxation. Joe's engaging writing style and deep understanding of tax codes make her articles a must-read for individuals seeking to maximize their tax savings.

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