Know About the Average Social Security Benefit at the Age of 62

By Joe Bidden

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Joe Biden

Social Security benefits are a crucial part of retirement planning for many Americans. However, the amount you receive can vary significantly based on when you choose to start collecting. Let’s cut into the specifics of what a 62-year-old can expect and why it’s often lower than the average benefit for retirees.

Average Benefits

The Social Security Statistical Snapshot for June 2024 reveals that the average retired worker receives $1,918 per month. But if you start collecting benefits at age 62, you can expect a different amount.


As of late 2022, the average benefit for a 62-year-old was $1,275 per month. This figure, based on the most recent full-year data, has likely increased to around $1,315 in 2024 due to cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs). This is significantly less than the overall average for all retirees.

Early Filing Reductions

Why is the benefit lower for those who claim at 62? The answer lies in the penalties for early filing. If you claim Social Security benefits before reaching your full retirement age, which is 67 for those born in 1960 or later, you face a permanent reduction in your monthly payments.


Specifically, claiming at 62 leads to a 30% reduction in benefits. This reduction is calculated as 6.67% per year for the first three years before your full retirement age and 5% per year for any additional years. Therefore, waiting even one more year can increase your monthly benefit significantly.

Waiting Can Make a Big Difference

Delaying your Social Security claim can be financially advantageous. For instance, if you’re entitled to an average benefit of $1,465 at age 62, waiting until 63 could increase it to approximately $1,569. This increase happens because the reduction percentage decreases as you get closer to your full retirement age.


Inflation-Protected Income

One of the significant advantages of Social Security is its protection against inflation. Benefits are adjusted annually based on changes in the cost of living, ensuring your purchasing power doesn’t diminish over time. This is particularly valuable as other sources of retirement income, like pensions, become less common, especially for younger generations.

Key Considerations

Before deciding when to claim your Social Security benefits, consider the following factors:

  • Current Financial Needs: Assess whether you need the income immediately or if you can afford to wait.
  • Future Goals: Think about how much income you’ll need later in life.
  • Impact of Reduced Benefits: Know how a permanent reduction will affect your long-term financial health.
  • Other Retirement Income: Evaluate other sources of income you have, such as savings, investments, or pensions.

Taking the time to analyze your situation and knowing the long-term implications can help you make a more informed decision.

Choosing when to start collecting Social Security benefits is a major decision that can significantly impact your retirement income. For those considering filing at age 62, it’s essential to know the average benefits and the penalties for early filing. By carefully evaluating your financial situation and future needs, you can make the best choice for your long-term financial health.



What is the average Social Security benefit at age 62?

As of 2024, it’s approximately $1,315 per month.

How much is the reduction for claiming at 62?

The reduction is about 30% compared to full retirement benefits.


What is the average benefit for all retirees?

The average benefit for all retired workers is $1,918 per month.

Can delaying benefits increase my monthly amount?

Yes, waiting even one year can increase your monthly benefit significantly.


Are Social Security benefits adjusted for inflation?

Yes, benefits receive annual cost-of-living adjustments to protect against inflation.


Joe Bidden

A Certified Public Accountant specializing in personal finance and taxation. Joe's engaging writing style and deep understanding of tax codes make her articles a must-read for individuals seeking to maximize their tax savings.

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