90 VA Disability With Spouse: Know About the Maximum Payment You Get for 90% if you have dependants

By Ella

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90 VA Disability With Spouse

If you are a veteran with a disability, understanding your benefits can be overwhelming. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides compensation based on disability ratings that range from 0% to 100%.

This article simplifies the information you need to know about the compensation for veterans with a 90% disability rating, particularly focusing on how dependents can affect these benefits.


VA Disability Compensation Rates for 90% Disability

Basic Compensation Rates

Veterans with a 90% disability rating receive a specific amount of monthly compensation. As of December 2023, a single veteran with this rating receives $2,191.05 per month. If the veteran is married, the amount increases to $2,352.35.

Veterans with a spouse and one child receive $2,479.85. Each additional child under 18 adds $75.80, while each additional child enrolled in school adds $250.19.


Increased Compensation for Dependents

The compensation increases if the veteran has dependent parents. A single veteran with one parent gets $2,295.05 per month, while with two parents, the amount rises to $2,399.05.

If the veteran has a spouse and one parent, the monthly compensation is $2,456.35. With two parents and a spouse, the amount is $2,560.35.


Understanding 90% VA Disability Rating with a Spouse

A 90% disability rating signifies significant impairment, impacting the veteran’s ability to work and support themselves.

Veterans with this rating have access to various benefits through the VA’s network of clinics, hospitals, and long-term care facilities. These facilities provide comprehensive care tailored to the veteran’s specific needs.


Benefits for Dependents

Spouses and other dependents of veterans with a 90% disability rating may also be eligible for additional benefits.

If a veteran has a service-connected disability of 30% or higher, they are entitled to extra monthly payments for their dependents. For example, in 2022, a veteran with a 50% disability rating received a base payment of $958.44, which increased to $1,050.44 if they had a dependent spouse.


Payment Amounts for 2024

In 2024, a single veteran with a 90% disability rating will receive $2,241.91 per month. It’s important to note that increasing the disability rating from 90% to 100% results in a significant boost in monthly compensation, amounting to $3,737.85. This increase often requires evidence of worsening conditions or new service-connected issues.

VA Disability Rates and Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLA)

The VA adjusts disability compensation rates to keep up with the cost of living. For 2024, the COLA increase is 3.2%, resulting in higher monthly payments for veterans. This adjustment ensures that veterans receive sufficient financial support to manage their living expenses.


Calculating Monthly Payments

To calculate your monthly VA disability payment:

  1. Check Basic Rate: Find your basic monthly rate based on your disability rating and dependent status.
  2. Check Added Amounts: Determine if you qualify for extra payments due to dependent children or a spouse receiving aid and attendance.
  3. Calculate Total Payment: Add any additional amounts to your basic rate to get your total monthly payment.

Understanding your VA disability benefits is crucial for maximizing the support you receive. If you have a 90% disability rating, your monthly compensation can vary significantly based on your dependent status. Keep track of annual adjustments and additional benefits to ensure you receive the full support you are entitled to.



What is a 90% VA disability rating?

A 90% VA disability rating means that the VA has determined a veteran is 90% disabled due to service-connected conditions. This rating impacts the amount of monthly compensation the veteran receives.

How much does a 90% disabled veteran with no dependents receive?

As of December 2023, a 90% disabled veteran with no dependents receives $2,191.05 per month.


How does having dependents affect my VA disability compensation?

Having dependents such as a spouse, children, or parents increases your monthly compensation. The exact amount depends on the number and type of dependents.

What is the compensation for a 90% disabled veteran with a spouse and one child?

A 90% disabled veteran with a spouse and one child receives $2,479.85 per month as of December 2023.



A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Ella's articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.

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